Visiting the Family
We had a quiet morning at home, during which Shariff found the puppies of one of the dogs, and moved them close to the house.(Meld then bought dog food for the mum – an expensive luxury!)
Late morning we went next door to visit the school where Meld will help, and met the headteacher Mr Muli.
After an exciting trip to Tusky’s for food shopping and lunch with Joe, we visited Joe’s brother Samuel’s house in Shanzu. Joe’s niece Mary holds great-niece Gloria (they are 1st cousins once removed – the two brothers, their children and grandchildren were all around!)
Selina Bahati, the wife of another brother (Martin) makes bags to sell. Maggy loved the change to model them!
Martin models a “man bag”
Maggy with two more ladies’s bags.
The laptop bag is awesome (this is mine!) modelled by Jacob. (About £7 each)
If you fancy a bag, place your orders!
Walking back to the house, the sun hd set and the stars were emerging.
At 13 months, Gloria wants to be a photographer!
Please bring me a puppy! Either the dark coloured one on the left or a white and brown one please!