Category: Shanzu
Pre-Party Cookery
Meld wanted to make some lemon drizzle cakes for tomorrow, and Eunice came to learn how to make them. Robert and Faith helped too.
Robert checking consistency
Faith had a rest
Teddy, who lives with Eunice, dropped by for a while.
With the cakes in the oven, and maharagwe na wali (bean stew and rice) cooked, I prepared mchicha (one of many Kenyan greens, similar to leaf spinach).
A boda boda turned up with food from Samuel for the party, then returned with more food plus Samuel himself. Jacob spread the contents to stop them sweating overnight.
Busy days in Shanzu
As the end of our trip approaches we’ve both been quite busy: Meld being Class 4 teacher at Barnabas, and me trying to complete updates to websites and various admin tasks around and about.
On Tuesday I went to Barnabas to see Harrison’s laptop, and managed to get a photo of Imelda’s shy colleague.
Back home, the reduced dog family welcomed us.
On Wednesday Imelda finished early and we went by boda boda (motorbike taxi, also know as piki piki) to the Transitional Workshop for Disabled Young Women at Shanzu. We didn’t realise that Selina worked here, although she was not there at the time. They make a wide range of products from kikoy fabric…
…and sell them in their shop.
We then went on to Kikambala for a lovely supper with Coralis.
Thursday’s main adventure was a shopping trip in Joe’s truck to Nakumatt to buy sodas for our party on Saturday.
Friday found Shanique hitching a ride in a hand cart
And Imelda teaching drawing
Martin and the boys have been clearing the grounds for the party tomorrow. Martin and Shariff disappeared, and came back with a crab!
Sadly the crab was only to look at, as they’d also brought its owner!
Unusually for January, the nights are a bit cool here – you certainly need a sheet over you in bed – maybe it’s preparation for going home!
Lazy Shanzu Sunday
After the long day yesterday, we decided to go to 10am Mass in Shanzu (the third of 3 back-to-back Masses). Although we were there on time, the previous Mass overran so we were maybe 20 minutes late starting. Pwani time!
As ever, there were liturgical dancers who danced at ever opportunity.
The church is massive, there were several hundred people there.
The mass itself took 2.5 hours or more (including notices of at least 30 minutes), after which we retired to the pub!
We walked back to Majaoni for a quiet afternoon, then we were joined by Joe’s brothers Martin and Samuel, and 3 nephews. Martin would get us coconut to drink….
When the others had left, Meld and Maggy set to in the kitchen – our first attempt at cooking here – which was successful (lentils being a change from the regular food here).
Then we set up the laptop for a “Majaoni Cinemax” evening, watching the end of Bride and Prejudice (which Maggy missed the other day) and then The Constant Gardener. The latter is one of my favourites, and it was interesting to watch in the company of Kenyans (who seemed to recognise their country, rather than dispute the representation thereof, which is maybe a bit worrying!)
Back to school
Here are some of the children from Standard 3, Fumathoka school, who I taught today! Wrote with chalk on a blackboard; amazing how you don’t forget how to do it. After a talk about my family I asked them to write a bit about their own families. Corrected some punctuation and gave them all smiley faces. The children ranged in age from 8 to 11; they only go to the next class if they pass their exams.
This photo was taken just before the end of the day. Can you spot their teacher Rebecca?
The children are very happy because they have 4 days holiday while the standard 8 children take their National exams. Back to school next Friday!
This is their teacher Rebecca, marking their exam papers from earlier in the week.
She has been teaching these children for three years but will be going back to standard 1 next year to start again.
With Samuel’s Family
We went into town, parking at the Cathedral, with lunch at Tarboush.
We spent the late afternoon at the home of Samuel, Joe’s brother, chatting with his family. Granddaughter Naomi
Naomi’s mum, Tina
Me with Gloria and Naomi
Gloari with her mum, Joyce.
Selina Bahati, wife of Martin, maker of the bags featured a couple of days ago.
With Edu – at last we meet again!