Riding the Lunatic Line
Well, I slept though Meld didn’t! When I awoke, about 05:45, we were coming into Voi station and it was starting to get light. Past Voi we saw the Sagala Hills.
The sun rising
We passed along the edge of Tsavo East National Park
The only animals I saw were these cattle with their Maasai minders
We had to stop frequently to let freight trains pass (using passing loops, it’s mostly single track). This train was carrying Magadi Soda.
Our train rounding one of many curves. Children waving at the train and asking for money was a common sight.
The signal box at Miritini
Another signal box, handing over the token for the next section of track.
Water containers piled up on the outskirts of Mombasa – there’s no running water here, but at least the houses are reasonable.
The track does downhill, and so does the accommodation
And these “dwellings” are on a rubbish dump, just before the causeway onto Mombasa Island
Fishermen on the edge of the island
Coming into Mombasa station – wreckage of old sleepers (we’d seen buckled rails alongside the track at many locations)
We’re here, at last, after 16 hours (only 2 hours late!)
The smoky loco that hauled us here
We stopped at Tuskys for supplies, opposite this temple.
Then a taxi home to Majaoni.