Kikambala Building Update
The pups are growing, but they still like to suckle their mum (who is patient – for while)
We took the matatu to Kikambala to see Joe and witness the progress on his new house. They are rendering the internal walls.
Progress is evident
Surveying the works.
The render is drying over the blockwork.
Most of the windows are now in place.
Teddy was drying maize in the sun.
Joe dropped us at North Coast while he went to bank.
Back at the church, rain was coming so Teddy was now rescuing his maize!
The church choir were practising dance routines for their video.
We stopped for shopping on the way back and dropped off some yoghurts for Gloria and Shanique. Shanique loves her yoghurt.
Back home, we went round to David’s for supper. The house was full, not just with his family, these are 2 neices (twins) from Taveta.
Emanuel and his friend Dick.
The house cat – actually friendly (and purring!)
Then we enjoyed a great Pilau before walking home under the stars, straight to bed, to awake to learnt that Nelson Mandela had died and Africa is commemorating his life non-stop on TV.
It’s not only Africa. In the UK, the BBC One 10 o’clock news was still going at 11 o’clock and still hadn’t mentioned any other news. Whats a matatu? Google translate says it means “three”. Oh, and McAfee is complaining about some of the content on this page (not the blog itself).
Matatu are minibuses used as public transport (see, which also explains possible origins of the name). A matatu has to be (a) decrepit, (b) overloaded and (c) driven by a man with a death wish. Otherwise they’re quite fun, and reasonably cheap.