Day: December 17, 2013
Ticking Over in Majaoni
It’s been a few days since we blogged, so it’s time for an update. We’ve not been idle, but we’ve been doing things that aren’t really photo-worthy. So this is a pot pourri of snapshots from the past few days.
On Friday we found Mary sporting a T-shirt she’d got from the scrum on Thursday, and looking very pleased about it.
On Friday, Saturday and Monday we had downpours just before lunchtime.
On Saturday, Angelo (the largest of the puppies) was off to his new home with a cousin, so he had to be shampooed.
Catherine had come to get help in completing an application form to be an au-pair in Germany, but ended up picking fleas off Angelo!
Handover – kwaheri Angelo
And then there were four.
Saturday night I went out for a drink or two with Tina at Club Lambada in Mtwapa (so I wasn’t very impressed when Jacob got up at 5 on Sunday and started housework!)
On Sunday we went to Mass at Barani and Bomani, the two southerly outstations of Kikaambala (both pictured before). In both places (as at Vipingo last week) there was a big fund raising push to help the Diocese pay off its debt.
After lunch we went to the beach with a youth group from Kongowea parish – unfortunately, few from Kikambala turned up. The water was full of the remains of fishing nets – Natasha and I did our best to clear up so that we could swim.
The youth played games on the beach.
Gillian, the local representative.
Group photo
On the way back we stopped at Sweetwaters Pub for a soda – Maggy and Gillian insist they are the Tangawizi Twins, it’s not Tusker!
Monday was spent at home, with me working on a web site for Okoa Jahazi (you can see the early progress at before heading to a very wet and muddy Mtwapa for shopping.