Happy New Year – Mwaka Mpya Mwema
New Year’s Eve morning we visited Martin to see progress on the desks for Barnabas School.
We all had to try them for size.
Back home, Meld had a visit from a horde of local kids who know her from Fumathoka School next door – she always said she’s never work at a school close to home…
In thee evening we went up to Kikambala for a New Year Vigil mass, after which they burnt a scarecrow to symbolise the end of last year’s ills, wiping the sate clean. I think Joe in not keen on this “witchcraft”, so it happens after the mass.
After Mass we went to Boko Boko (the Seychelles Restaurant) for a family party. The tables were arranged around a pool, and the kids danced across the walkway.
The kids loved showing their moves.
One boy did a hilarious dance wearing a Barack Obama mask.
The dancers got bigger.
Meld was encouraged to join in
Our group: Med, Yolande (our hostess), Lucy, Deacon Joseph, Coralis, Fr Anthony, Fr Joe.
A performance for our table
Lucy and Deacon
Coralis, Anthony, Joe, Meld
The dancing got more cosmopolitan
We eventually left about 2:30 and drove home in Joe’s truck through Mtwapa (very interesting at this hour!).
New Year’s Morning we drove to Kikambala then up to Vipingo for lunch with some of Joe’s parishioners. After lunch, Joffrey cooked nyama choma to accompany the beers.
Deacon and Joffrey’s brother in law (deaf / dumb)
The house, you can see where we sat in the shade with our beers, sodas and nyama choma.
Meld and Joffrey’s wife, Grace.