The Farewells Begin
It’s not supposed to be a long farewell, but the past couple of days have started to feel a bit like it!
Sunday, after Mass, we went to Boko Boko, treating Fr Joe and Deacon Joseph in return for the many meals we’ve shared with them at Kikambala. Yolande, the owner, came and talked to us after the meal. I’m sure we’ll sneak back there once more before we go home!
These two musicians serenaded us with an eclectic range of songs.
Then on Monday we went to Joe’s rural home. Our last opportunity to visit this trip.
Two of the puppies, Rodney (a girl) and Lou (a boy) are moving there, and Martin made them a box to travel in.
First, and most important, task was to greet Joe’s mum. She’s ailing, and often doesn’t remember people, but at Christmas asked why we were not there!
The tent, used for the memorial service and at Christmas, was dismantled.
Joe’s truck had a puncture a couple of weeks ago, and the rather worn spare was still on with the repaired wheel in the back of the truck. I suggested that we should swap them back, and somehow landed the task for myself (assisted by Martin and encouraged by a typical African crowd).
Replacing the spare – I love how all the kids bent down to see this happen!
Truck fixed, i inspected the sukuma wiki preparations
Joe’s aunt and one of the children.
It’s the mzungu baby thief again
Lunch – Patrick’s never late!
More of the family and kids
Meld and Joe start a school
It’s quite green up here – not as dry and dusty as Mombasa
Eliza opens coconuts – don’t argue with her when she has a panga, she’s got a killer stroke.
Back to normal tomorrow…. school, laundry and websites!
What a great update! Thank you for sharing thoughts and experiences all the time.