Day: January 20, 2014
Last Sunday at Kikambala
Our last Sunday in Kenya was spent at Kikambala. For once we made an early start and were at the 7am Mass (which starts at 07:30). There were thanks to us for raising the money to roof the house (and more), and exhortations to the parish to dig deep to finish it off.
The main items remaining are floors, decoration and louvres. The ceilings are now complete throughout.
The wiring is complete, but switches and sockets need to be fitted.
The youth were prettifying the grounds.
And the choir were meeting
Team Youth
The ladies were preparing a feast for lunch
And washing the vestments
Meanwhile we walked to the beach and sat under a tree, letting the world pass by.
Hello Mr Crab
We walked along to Sun’n’Sand Hotel for a drink
Back at the church, lunch was served and we sat with the youth
Then Jacob drove us to the beach as the tide was returning.
Posing girls
While we drank our post-swim drinks we saw a lot of birds in a nearby tree, Suddenly they all flew out…