Day: January 22, 2014
Last Day of School
Today was Imelda’s last day at Barnabas (we felt we needed a clear day to get ourselves organised before travelling home), so I was also invited to join them for lunch and the afternoon farewell ceremony.
First, we took a look at the new temporary classroom
It still needs a concrete floor.
The house mothers were busy cooking lunch… chapati…
…and pilau…
The kids line up to wash their hands, the big ones helping the little ones.
With Edu, the Danish volunteers and some visitors from Action Aid, we were treated as VIPs, seated with the men teachers. (Imelda in particular would have liked her female colleagues to eat with us, but that’s not the Kenyan way).
Silas shares some pictures with the kids.
After lunch, and showing Harrison the new version of their website I’d built (I’m getting to love WordPress!!) the kids were lined up outside to say farewell
The reaction to “Hands up if you love teacher Imelda” (her class 4 are the back row)
Singing and dancing
An action song (like Father Abraham if you’re a pilgrim!) – here it’s “tongues out” and Teacher Rose and her daughter Eva were caught!
Headteacher Harrison on “turn around”
Class 4 group hug Teacher Imelda
Au revoir Harrison
We were escorted, by Class 4 and others, to the road, where they waved us off as we left in the matatu.
Barnabas, kids and staff, we will never forget you.