Day: November 18, 2013
Jahazi Okoa visit
Eunice took us to meet the Jahazi Okoa support group, women (both HIV positive and negative) who work together to support each other (and others in a similar situation). They make a number of products for sale both for themselves and as a group. Baskets from waste plastic bags (strong and malleable):
They meet under a tree at Kiembeni hospital, but have no premises from which to work communally.
Another product is Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), which is produced from coconuts, but not even the water goes to waste.
Grinding Coconuts for oil
VCO has many uses and health benefits (see
The ground coconut is pressed then left in the sun to distil.
The meeting
A basket in action
Another products is Aloe Vera soap
Other products are washing up liquid and paper jewelry.
Another Kikambala SUNday
Another fairly early start to get to Kikambala for 9am Mass, although of course it didn’t start at 9! Today was a harambee (fund raiser) for the choir who were here in their finery.
After Mass, the youth group met under the trees
I then went with Joe to another outstation, Bomani, a small church with a lovely feel to it.
The choir
The Gloria being sung
Choirmaster and baby
The church from outside
After lunch at Kikambala, we walked down to North Coast to swim,, Meld and I, Jacob, John (from Mivumoni) and Gillian and Natasha from Kikambala.
The water was as warm as a hot bath – you stepped in and hesitated in case it was too hot!
John and I, waswahili
Relaxing after the swim
We like this spot: it’s relaxed, you can sit and drink overlooking the ocean, and it’s not far to walk back!
It was high tide and there were fewer birds than at low tide the other day (when I didn’t take my camera) but this chap strolled along the water’s edge.