Day: November 26, 2013
Aberdares National Park
Aganpanthus in the Outspan garden at breakfast.
Mount Kenya viewed from the terrace – digitally enhanced, but only to remove the haze (honest!)
Flowers on a huge cactus
An ibis at the KWS offices where we bought our tickets for the park.
A young buffalo
Nice yellow flowers
Big buffalo tries to hide
Salty rock – you can just see the marks where the animal scrape it with their teeth.
Heading up – the park is in three levels (tropical forest, bamboo, and moorland)
Out on the moorland
Despite the gloomy weather the vies were good
More flowers
Chania Falls
Something like a teasel
“Fur” hangs on the trees
The Chania river
A sole hill on the moorlands
The next fall –
Queen’s Cave below the falls
A female reed buck
Amos, our driver, named her “Imelda”
View from lunch
More antelope
Moor views
Bush buck
LEOPARD! (I know, it focused on the tree, but I don;t care!)
Buffalo on a hill
Water buck (female)
And male
The whole herd
A sole elephant – like in Araboku Sokoke, we saw lots of evidence but few animals!
A big wart hog
Back at Treetops, a sole male elephant was eating the mineral-rich soil
A pair of hyenas (we saw several more in the night, chewing on a carcass, but the light was too low)
Looking over the water hole at night
And so to bed in the Queen’s bed! A night of luxury 🙂