Day: November 22, 2013
A long trek to Eldoret
Today we went “on holiday” to visit the Kenyan highlands. A very early start to be at the airport by 06:30, then an easy flight to Nairobi, picked up our hire car, and we were off – into the Nairobi traffic jam.
Even though I’m used to Nairobi, there’s nothing you can do when the police are managing the traffic except take pictures of Maribou storks on lampposts.
Soon after leaving the city limits, the road becomes a single carriageway, with processions and manic overtaking the order of the day. There were stunning purple jacaranda trees along the road.
The mix of traffic was extensive!
On the edge of the great Rift Valley, we stopped to take the view (and be pestered by curio sellers)
Mount Longonot
After lunch in Nakuru there were more jacaranda trees, and more interesting sights on the road.
For my colleagues in Highways, this picture has to be captioned “Hey baby, you ain’t seen ruttin’ yet”.
Eventually we reached Eldoret and, after a few navigational challenges (until I realised I could use Google maps on my phone). Lucy welcomed us with gallons of hot tangawizi chai (ginger tea)
And now, having checked into our hotel (£25 B&B for 2, with secure parking) we are in Lucy’s little home and she is cooking while we try to stay awake after our long day!
For those who’ve been complaining about the Mombasa heat (Maggy), we’re here in long trousers and sweaters!
Barnabas School Prizegiving
Today we joined Barnabas School for their end of school year Prize Giving.
Everyone gathered under the big mango tree
Parents were here early too
We seemed to be the guests of honour, Meld sitting with headteacher Harrison
Baby class line up to perform
Class 3 staged a play
Class 1 think
Some boys learn martial arts
The staff
Guests of Honour giving out the prizes
Staff watching proceedings
The parents got a briefing afterwards on uniform etc
Kwaherini until 2014!