Day: November 11, 2013
Majaoni Visits
This morning I went out with Ed on some home visits. Why do little girls like my hat?
Faith and Teddy
Faith and George
A long walk took us to Utange. This lady, rejected by her family after her husband and children died, is making baskets out of old plastic bags. They’re surprisingly strong and stretchy.
Outside her house.
We then went to Barnabas Mission Center, a school and orphanage, which is nearby.
They raise broilers
Kindergarten 1
The girls’ house.
A guest on the roof.
We then met Joe with Jacob, Meld and Maggy and drive to Mtwapa where we met Daniel and went to lunch at Cobba Cobana. There were cats around
Relaxing before the meal
Meld cools her feet
A fisherman cleaning fish
Meld at the bar
After a shopping stop, we returned home to find several youngsters who are starting KCPE exams tomorrow here to pray with Joe. And to share Chai.
A couple of panoramas at the beach (click to view full size}
This was the point at which I got an e-mail from my dear friend Ann at CiC,who seems to wish she was with us!
Lazy Shanzu Sunday
After the long day yesterday, we decided to go to 10am Mass in Shanzu (the third of 3 back-to-back Masses). Although we were there on time, the previous Mass overran so we were maybe 20 minutes late starting. Pwani time!
As ever, there were liturgical dancers who danced at ever opportunity.
The church is massive, there were several hundred people there.
The mass itself took 2.5 hours or more (including notices of at least 30 minutes), after which we retired to the pub!
We walked back to Majaoni for a quiet afternoon, then we were joined by Joe’s brothers Martin and Samuel, and 3 nephews. Martin would get us coconut to drink….
When the others had left, Meld and Maggy set to in the kitchen – our first attempt at cooking here – which was successful (lentils being a change from the regular food here).
Then we set up the laptop for a “Majaoni Cinemax” evening, watching the end of Bride and Prejudice (which Maggy missed the other day) and then The Constant Gardener. The latter is one of my favourites, and it was interesting to watch in the company of Kenyans (who seemed to recognise their country, rather than dispute the representation thereof, which is maybe a bit worrying!)